Ancient Roman Solution for Water Contamination: Pecunia non olet

Neno Duplan
9 min readJan 23, 2023

After news that Roman concrete outperforms today’s modern concrete and generates fewer carbon emissions, ancient Rome’s solution to reduce water contamination has much appeal, if not in its historical form. Their approach offers better water quality management and full urine recycling while at the same time reducing waste and lowering energy consumption, all of which would help us fight climate change.

Flavian Amphitheatre (Roman Colloseum)

We often take clean drinking water availability for granted. However, water will become an increasing business risk as climate change and water management are highly related and coupled. Water is the most studied chemical compound. It is also the “universal solvent.” Solvents can dissolve other molecules and compounds, which is why water gets easily contaminated.

Laundry Detergents Contaminants

Many chemical substances disposed of in water bodies are toxic and hazardous. Water contamination caused by detergents is becoming a major concern in the global context. The per capita detergent consumption in the United States of America is 10 kg per year. ​​Nonylphenol, a hazardous chemical in detergents, is known to enter water bodies and food chains. It bio-accumulates and can pose serious environmental and health risks. Many laundry detergents contain approximately 35 to…



Neno Duplan

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